Comments on TV Control API specification


During review, the following are noted regarding the TV Control API Specification - provided at

1.       The Terminology<> section states "The video<> element, and HTMLMediaElement<>, TimeRanges<> interfaces are defined in [HTML51<>]" however these are all defined in [HTML5]. Do we need to reference HTML 5.1 working draft when HTML 5 is already a recommendation?

2.       The Terminology<> section states "The TextTrack<>, TextTrackCue<>, and TrackEvent<> interfaces are defined in [HTML51<>]" however these are all defined in [HTML5]. Do we need to reference HTML 5.1 working draft when HTML 5 is already a recommendation?

3.       Based on the above two items, the informative reference to [HTML51] is not required.

4.       As the TVMediaSource is an extension of the MediaSource, the reference to [MediaCapture-Streams] should be normative.

5.       There should be a normative reference to ISO 639-2, "ISO 639-2:1998 Codes for the representation of names of languages - Part 2: Alpha-3 code" - it is directly reference in section 8.2<>.

I will try to complete a more comprehensive review, but having been involved in the creation of this specification, it is often difficult to spot "issues"


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Received on Tuesday, 20 October 2015 16:22:51 UTC