Re: Today's call: summary on user agent compliance

Rigo, I didn't mean to suggest it had to be a literal popup. It could be
any sort of mechanism (infobar, flashing lights, whatever). The point is
that if it's to be acceptable to the companies representing the third
parties likely to be requesting exceptions, it will have to be rather
prominent. And if it's rather prominent, then the browser vendors will be
incentivized to reduce the number of times it shows up in an unwanted sense
("it's annoying").

Unless you're suggesting that the browser decide based on heuristics of
when it thinks the user is likely to click "yes" based on the user's past
history, and either answers for them (seems like it would violate "express
consent") or just doesn't answer at all (doesn't give third parties equal
footing and would greatly disincentivize them from participating in DNT).

I'm not saying there's _nothing_ we can do here, but it does seem that the
likely outcome is that it's not quite so simple :)

On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 4:53 PM, Rigo Wenning <> wrote:

> On Wednesday 13 June 2012 16:38:21 Ian Fette wrote:
> > Because I thought we said earlier (in DC) that we expected
> > browsers would only show exception UI in response to a user
> > gesture. Otherwise, you end up with popups on every page (which
> > apparently some people think is an OK outcome).
> Ok, I challenge you with my research result:
> When Dave made the privacy dashboard, I had the idea that everybody
> has their "known territory" in the digital world. I uncovered this
> while training my CRM114 spam-protection system. It would start by
> asking me for every other email. After 3 weeks, accuracy was over
> 90%. After 4 month of training, I got one false positive and about 5
> false negatives per month.
> Translated into the dashboard, we had this hanging bar. It would
> only appear if you encounter something new. This is what users
> expect. It works on a per-site basis and has per-site permissions.
> Try it at UI was tested in UX labs.
> It is still somewhat alpha.. I don't want to mandate anything, just
> suggest that we think beyond "pop up".
> It has shown a way to inform the user that is not invasive (pop up)
> and still does the trick. So we may have a third way. We should at
> least look at that option.
> Rigo

Received on Thursday, 14 June 2012 00:00:47 UTC