Re: TPAC unconference breakout follow up

For sessions where the primary notes are somewhere other than IRC, is there
a field I can fill in to point at them? They're also linked from the IRC
logs, but it'd be nice for readers to have the direct link instead.

Also, I agree that this new approach was a huge improvement. It allowed us
to include folks in the privacy threat model session who couldn't attend in
person, and that could never have happened with the morning-of scheduling
from previous years.


On Wed, Sep 25, 2019 at 3:12 AM Dominique Hazael-Massieux <>

> Dear all,
> You're bcc'd on this message as one of the proposers for the breakout
> sessions at the TPAC unconference day last week [1].
> First, thank you - your help in identifying topics for the sessions
> ahead of the day was critical in adopting the new approach to scheduling
> breakouts - the early feedback we have received on this new approach has
> been so far very positive.
> Secondly, some of you have already shared short report from your
> sessions - these reports have now been published on the breakout page
> (along with the IRC minutes). For those who haven't, please send a
> report by email to your earliest convenience, or if you feel
> adventurous, contribute it directly in your session JSON file in
> (under a
> "report" property whose value accepts HTML markup, e.g. [2]).
> We plan to bring the broader community's attention to these summaries
> next week or so, so if you want to be part of that broadcast, make sure
> to send your summary sooner rather than later.
> Finally, we're very interested in your feedback  as a breakout organizer
> on what would have made your life easier or your breakout more
> impactful, either before, during or after the breakout. Also, if there
> are lessons you learned in the process you think might be worth sharing
> with future organizers, please let us know.
> Thanks,
> Dom
> 1.
> 2.

Received on Thursday, 26 September 2019 16:50:26 UTC