TPAC unconference breakout follow up

Dear all,

You're bcc'd on this message as one of the proposers for the breakout
sessions at the TPAC unconference day last week [1].

First, thank you - your help in identifying topics for the sessions
ahead of the day was critical in adopting the new approach to scheduling
breakouts - the early feedback we have received on this new approach has
been so far very positive.

Secondly, some of you have already shared short report from your
sessions - these reports have now been published on the breakout page
(along with the IRC minutes). For those who haven't, please send a
report by email to your earliest convenience, or if you feel
adventurous, contribute it directly in your session JSON file in (under a
"report" property whose value accepts HTML markup, e.g. [2]).

We plan to bring the broader community's attention to these summaries
next week or so, so if you want to be part of that broadcast, make sure
to send your summary sooner rather than later.

Finally, we're very interested in your feedback  as a breakout organizer
on what would have made your life easier or your breakout more
impactful, either before, during or after the breakout. Also, if there
are lessons you learned in the process you think might be worth sharing
with future organizers, please let us know.




Received on Wednesday, 25 September 2019 10:12:54 UTC