Testing doc contributions

Hi folks, 

I've seen strong interest from some members of the community to start building docs for our testing effort, which is awesome.

I've setup a GitHub repository[1] and Contributor Licensing Agreement (CLA)[2] for this.

There's also a page in the Testing wiki that describes all the content that needs to be written[3]. I'll be moving it to GitHub asap.

I suggest we start of with Dzenana's contribution[4] (once they're converted to Markdown format) and iterate from there.

More info on how to contribute is available in the repo[5]. I'll be improving that as we go too.

Happy to answer questions you might have.

Thanks for your help.


[1]: https://github.com/w3c/testing-doc (https://github.com/w3c/testing-doc/blob/gh-pages/CONTRIBUTING.md)/
[2]: http://www.clahub.com/agreements/w3c/testing-doc
[3]: http://www.w3.org/wiki/Testing/Resource_Center_TF/Documentation
[4]: http://dzenana-trenutak.github.com/GitDocs/W3C_HTMLTestsuite_Tutorial/index.html
[5]: https://github.com/w3c/testing-doc/blob/gh-pages/CONTRIBUTING.md

Received on Monday, 4 March 2013 17:29:28 UTC