Re: W3C workshop on web apps and marketplaces?

On Tuesday, 14 January 2014 at 19:33, Dave Raggett wrote:

> Hi Marcos,
> Just to note that all workshop participants have to do at minimum is to 
> provide a single paragraph setting out their interest in relation to the 
> aims of the workshop. The name "workshop" may not be ideal, but there 
> is absolutely no expectation of an academic style submission. Of course 
> if people want to give a talk or have an idea for how the workshop 
> agenda should be arranged, they are welcomed to write their ideas up in 
> further detail.

Sure. I don't want us to get hung up on the process stuff as it's really not that important (like you suggest, it could just be rephrased colloquially as "Tell us why you want to attend the workshop? What can you contribute?" - EdgeConf does something similar as it's an invite only conference).  

If there is to be a workshop of "web apps and marketplaces", then I'd still be interested in making it more focused (or making sure that it has tangible outcomes). I still feel that we have more immediate things we should deal with as a platform and I worry that if we have yet another workshop on this stuff we might derail ourselves again as a community. I want to cite the recent end-of-life of the DAP specs as evidence of what can happen (particularly in relation to WebOS related things, which we've been chasing for a while):

We want to avoid things like the above happening again (as it's very sad to see) - and I don't know if having a workshop about it is going to help.   

As a reminder, this is from the DAP charter:

"In December 2008, the W3C held a workshop on Security for Access to Device APIs from the Web. The goal of this workshop was to gather information and experiences in the device API space, to start building community consensus about possible standardization work within W3C, and to gather requirements to guide such work.

Workshop participants discussed the need for standardization of technologies that would be required to provide access to security sensitive APIs from a web developer's perspective, the form these technologies should take, and the viability and practicalities of standardizing this work within W3C. At the end of this workshop, the participants discussed several potential topics for new standardization work (see the Workshop Report for more details)."

Anyway, you get the idea (DAP wasn't a total failure - we got battery status, proximity, and vibration, etc. - but you hopefully see what I mean). I worry that yet another working group might spin off from any workshop when we haven't yet managed to get anywhere near close to parity with the functionality provided by native platforms. 

Just my 2c.  

Received on Tuesday, 14 January 2014 22:56:53 UTC