A question about modeling information providing service in OWL-S 1.1

Considering an information providing service operation:

getAllPersonsInTheRoom(in ?room:#Room, out ?persons:#PersonsCollection)

It returns all the persons in the room. How to represent this
operation's result in OWL-S 1.1? How to declare the fact that
all ?x ( in(?room,?x)<-> member(?x,?persons) )
in the operation.

How can I know this service only returns the information about the persons
in the room, and it do not make the members of ?persons in the room although
some of them are out of the room before?

Can OWL-S 1.1 express effects like "know_val_is" in OPT or PDDL?

Best regards!  

Manshan Lin (林满山)
Email: lmshill@hotmail.com;lmshill@gmail.com;lms-hill@21cn.com
Affiliation: School of Computer Science and Engineering, the South
China University of Technology
Phone: (+86)13711287277
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Received on Tuesday, 11 January 2005 14:45:57 UTC