Doubts about the variables in the process model of OWL-S 1.1


Here are some questions :
What do the variables defined by "hasLocal" and "hasResultVar" 
mean? Existentially qualified variable? 

The following is from congo example's process model when defining
the atomic process "LocateBook":
 <expr:SWRL-Condition rdf:ID="BookOutOfStock">
  <expr:expressionBody rdf:parseType="Literal">
            <swrlx:Variable rdf:ID="#aBook" /> 
          <swrlx:argument2 rdf:resource="#LocateBookBookName" /> 
              <swrlx:classPredicate rdf:resource="#OutOfStockBook" /> 
                <swrlx:argument1 rdf:resource="#aBook" /> 
rdf:resource="" />

What does the variable "#aBook" mean?  Universally qualified variable?

The following is from congo example's process model when defining
the composite process "SignInAlternatives":
- <process:hasResult>
- <process:Result>
- <process:inCondition>
- <expr:SWRL-Condition rdf:ID="SignInAlternativesAcctExists">
  <rdfs:comment>If an account already exists, sign-in operation will
be performed and returned acct ID willbe used</rdfs:comment>
- <expr:expressionBody rdf:parseType="Literal">
- <swrlx:AtomList>
- <rdf:first>
- <swrlx:IndividualPropertyAtom>
  <swrlx:propertyPredicate rdf:resource="#hasAcctID" /> 
  <swrlx:argument1 rdf:resource="#SignInAlternativesSignInData" /> 
  <swrlx:argument2 rdf:resource="#SignInAlternativesAcctID" /> 
  <rdf:rest rdf:resource="" /> 
- <process:withOutput>
- <process:OutputBinding>
  <process:toParam rdf:resource="#SignInAlternativesAcctID" /> 
- <process:valueSource>
- <process:ValueOf>
  <process:theVar rdf:resource="#SignInSequenceAcctID" /> 
  <process:fromProcess rdf:resource="#SignInSequencePerform" /> 

I notice that "#SignInAlternativesAcctID" is an output parameter of 
the process "#SignInAlternatives". However, it occurs in the condition
of the output. How to evaluate this condition before execution? 

(4) The last question is not related with variables:
I still can't understand the "Choice" structure. What's the criteria
of choosing the execution branches in it? Is it up to the agent? 

Best regards! 

Manshan Lin (林满山)
Affiliation: School of Computer Science and Engineering, the South
China University of Technology
Phone: (+86)13711287277
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Received on Wednesday, 5 January 2005 09:18:48 UTC