InputBindings and OutputBindings

Are InputBinding and OutputBinding supposed to be an exhaustive 
partition of Binding, i.e. are all Binding either InputBinding or 

Binding has a toParam property, with Parameter as its range. 
InputBinding restricts the property value to Input, and OutputBinding 
restricts it to Output. But Parameter also has subclasses Local and 
ResultVar. Can we create Bindings for these? I *think* the answer should 
be no, and we should make this explicit by defining Binding as the union 
of InputBinding and OutputBinding. Especially since the comment in 
Process.owl says:

"Bindings are used in two ways in this process modeling ontology. They
are used to specify how output parameters are specified in different
result conditions for Atomic Processes, and they are used to specify
how input parameters acquire values when invoked by Perform's in
composite process descriptions."

I need to know this for the tool we're building. Specifically, when 
adding data flow (hasDataFrom declarations), should the user only get to 
choose from Inputs and Outputs (I hope so), or also Locals and ResultVars?


Received on Wednesday, 24 November 2004 03:41:53 UTC