published report,40 group members and workshop

Dear SWISIG members

I finally managed to published the preliminary report - written some time
ago -  on the community page.( It only took two clicks, sorry I only got
around to click only now )*community*/*swisig*/


 Martin Voigt, co-chair changed affiliation
 (tell us more Martin! )

and that

 this group now has 40 members (are we getting anywhere near some critical
mass?)  Please introduce yourselves and let everyone know what you are
working on

One piece of data our user survey did not seek to identify is the
geographical location of participants. Could be useful for activity
planning purposes perhaps? (  Will post a quick survey in the future )

fyi, see the workshop CFP below

Look forward to learn more about what everyone is up to

Wishes for a  pleasant summer


20th ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI’15)
Atlanta, USA
March 29 - April 1, 2015

Deadline: September 12, 2014
Notification: October 15, 2014

Ben Steichen, University of British Columbia
Nava Tintarev, University of Aberdeen

Workshops will be held on the first (March 29th) and last day (April 1st)
of the conference. We invite submissions of full-day and half-day workshop
proposals on any of the conference topics.

Submission Guidelines and Notes
The proposals should be PDF documents not exceeding 3 pages, submitted by
e-mail to the workshop chairs at:

Each workshop proposal should provide the following information:

- Name and title: A one-word workshop name/acronym, and a full title.
- Description of workshop topic and goal: This description should discuss
the workshop’s relevance to the general IUI community and the IUI 2015
audience. Include a brief discussion of why and for which audience the
workshop is of particular interest.
- Organizers: Names, affiliation, email addresses and homepage URLs for all
organizers. Please indicate the primary contact person. Strong proposals
typically include organizers who bring diverse perspectives to the workshop
topic and who are actively connected to the communities of potential
- Workshop program committee: Names and affiliation of the members of the
workshop program committee in charge of evaluating the workshop submissions.
- Participants: The expected number of participants and how you plan to
invite them.
- Workshop format: A brief description of the workshop format regarding the
mix of events such as paper presentations, invited talks, panels,
demonstrations, and general discussion.
- Length: Full-day or half-day.

Further guidelines:

- Submission: September 12, 2014
- Workshop proposal format: Workshop proposals should be no more than 3
pages long and should follow the formatting instructions from SIGCHI. (
- Review: Workshop proposals will be reviewed and evaluated by the workshop
chairs and the IUI 2015 conference and program committees.
- Publication: Extended abstracts of the workshop are to be included in the
ACM Digital Library. Workshop papers will be published in a joint CEUR
proceedings (
- Cancellation: Workshops with a low number (ca 10 for full day, 5 for half
day) of paper submissions by December 22, 2014 may be cancelled.

Responsibilities of Workshop Organizers
- Producing a call for participation: This call will be posted on the IUI
2015 web site.
- Publicity: Organizers are responsible for additional publicity such as
distributing the call to relevant newsgroups (e.g. wikicfp) and electronic
mailing lists, and especially to potential audiences from outside the IUI
conference community.
- Submission: Submissions of the workshop papers will be handled by the
workshop organizers.
- Web site: Organizers must maintain their own website with updated
information about the workshop.
- Workshop notes: The workshop organizers coordinate the paper collection,
production, and distribution of the working notes for the workshops.
Produce a single PDF with the workshop material for a joint CEUR
proceedings (
- Extended Abstract: The extended abstract is a description of the workshop
intended for publication in the IUI 2015 proceedings and may not exceed
four pages. It must contain a summary of the workshop goals and an overview
of the workshop topics. It must follow the formatting instructions from

Dr. Ben Steichen
University of British Columbia

Received on Friday, 18 July 2014 14:06:06 UTC