Fwd: Question...

[seems like a job for SWEO!]

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From: Nova Spivack <nova@radarnetworks.com>

Hey guys – I'm supposed to be speaking about the semweb on a panel
moderated by none other than Clay Shirky (who hates the semweb and
generally misrepresents it) on Monday (at the Highlands Forum).

I was wondering --- are there any stats I can cite about the semweb
that will help to head of his criticisms?

- Number of SPARQL endpoints, or growth of them?

- Growth of semweb? Any metrics you know of?

Anything else you think I might cite?

Clay generally attacks the semweb on the grounds that social tagging
is better than inferencing. Duh. That's a completely made-up conflict
since the semweb is a natural fit with tagging, and secondly since the
semweb does not only focused on inferencing. In any case, the question
is how to deal with him.




Received on Sunday, 18 March 2007 18:22:27 UTC