Re: TR : [SKOS]: [ISSUE 44] BroaderNarrowerSemantics

Hi Alan,

Ruttenberg wrote:
> isNarrowerThan  isBroaderThan is even clearer, IMO. The test for clarity 
> would be to use the predicate in a sentence and see if it makes sense. 
yes, but ...

> So compare
> "train" isBroaderThan "train station"
> vs
> "train station" hasBroader "train"
I opt for No 2.

Our company develops OWL and F-Logic Ontologies. To my understanding 
there is a common policy in RDF modeling:

[mammal broader animal]
is an abbreviation for (resp. disambiguates to)
[mammal has_broader animal].

If you want to say broader_of there is no abbrev.

Additionally in RDF we speak of [Subject Predicate Object].
In modelling [animal is_broader_of mammal] we would toggle
the S P O syntax with the help of a passive sentence
to an O P S reading, which looks somewhat odd to
me -- at least from the RDF perspective.

Dr. Johannes Busse, Senior Researcher
Amalienbadstraße 36 (Raumfabrik 29) D 76227 Karlsruhe
Reg. Office: Karlsruhe, Amtsger. Mannheim, HRB 109540
Managing Directors:    Prof.Dr.J.Angele,  H.P.Schnurr   | phone x49(721) 509 809-62 | mobile x49(163) 509 80-62

Received on Thursday, 17 January 2008 07:26:54 UTC