RE: Review for RDFa Primer

At 01:01 PM 10/11/2007 +1000, David Peterson wrote:
>... I would like to give you some of the needed manpower. I work with
>BoaB interactive [1] and we just recently joined the W3C.

Wonderful; welcome, David and colleagues, and thanks!

>... how do I officially join the RDFa group? I am BoaB's AC rep. If
>there is a page somewhere please point me in the right direction, again we
>just joined the W3C and I haven't had the time to read all the details on

There is a page.  If you don't have the Member home page [1] on
your personal link list, then I strongly recommend it to you.


On that page you will see a navigation box (on the right side if
the CSS works as intended) with a "Participation" section. The
"Join a Group" link is in there.

Note that the RDFa work is joint work of the Semantic Web Deployment
Working Group and the XHTML 2 Working Group.  You may pick either
Working Group (or both, if you wish).

Received on Thursday, 11 October 2007 14:31:53 UTC