Re: [RDFa] Use Case Document on the Wiki

Dan Connolly wrote:
> The markup examples are an interesting teaser, but they raise
> various technical detail issues in my mind. I was going to comment
> on some of them, but then I realized that I'm actually pretty
> happy with the use case surrounding the markup, and filling
> in the missing markup and mime type details isn't going
> to improve the effectiveness of this document for its
> main purpose: to talk about use cases and requirements.

We still would like to hear your questions, though, so please do keep
track of them. That said, I *just* whipped up these examples, so they
will likely change as we debug them, and you can hold off a few days
before spending much time on this.

> Please consider moving the specific markup examples to a test
> collection or something.

Yes, we definitely will begin to keep a more stable set of examples.
We're modeling our work on the recent GRDDL documents, though we will
likely not be quite as impressively coordinated.


Received on Tuesday, 5 December 2006 22:14:20 UTC