[ALL/MM] meeting record: 2005-27-10 SWBPD / MM TF Telecon

SWBPD list,
Please find the minutes from yesterdays (27/10) ' SWBPD MM TF telecon,
in plain text below.
SemWeb Best Practices and Deployment WG, MultiMedia TF Teleconference
27 Oct 2005
          Giorgos Stamou, Jacco van Ossenbruggen, Raphael Troncy,
          Chris Halaschek-Wiener, Vassilis Tzouvaras,
          Nikolaos Simou,
          Vassilis, Raphael
     * Topics
         1. Admin.
         2. Overall structure.
         3. 2nd deliverable
         4. Use cases.
         5. Actions
Agenda: 2) Overall structure
 Jacco: CWI commit to update the ressources pages linked to this working
 Jacco: the use cases should be included or not in the draft ?
 Jacco: the issue is that once approved, we cannot changed anymore the
 Giorgos: I prefer the examples on a separate documents t
 Raphael: I prefer in the same
 Giorgos: We can improve the examples
 Raphael: the solution will remain the same
 Raphael: include them
 Jacco: both have a point
 Decision: we keep them separate and when they are matured we include
Decision: discuss more are the F2F

Agenda: 3) 2nd deliverable
Jacco: we must submit something tomorow if we want to discuss it in f2f
Jacco: can we have a document ready by tomorrow for the structure of the
2nd deliverable ?
Girogos: next telecon next week to prepare the F2F
and discuss the 2nd telecon
Raphael: who is going to propose a first draft of the 2nd deliverable?
Giorgos: I am going to (vassilis: I will help)

Agenda 4) use cases
Giorgos: we must first build the ontology infrastructure
Raphael: what about the reuse of some ontologies MPEG-7 ontology?
Giorgos: I am talking about the VD ontology
Jacco: what about the reviewers?
Gorgos: we provide solution for some use cases
Decision: solution for some use cases are postponed for later
Raphael: contact IPTC
Desicion: let the place holder for the use cases which have not yet
Jacco: must be very carefull with nikos usecase
... since is the most important one
All use cases: include the picture itself and some XML code in the
solution documents
NASA use case: discuss a little bit more the localization issue (SVG
solution ...)
Chris ?
Chris: I can do that
Personal use case: issue about the free text annotation
Nikos: content is inpredictable
This issue exist for every images of almost all use cases
Paphael: provide domain ontologies 
Raphael: create rdf ontology in text editor
I said create RDF annotations directly in text editor (not the ontology)
Jacco: there is a need for completing the section 4

Giorgos: I will add an introductory paragraph
Raphael: describe more the items
Jacco giorgos describe more the terms

 Agenda 5): Actions
Action1: Giorgos and Vassilis: propose a structure draft for the 2nd
Action2: Giorgos request the next telecon next Wednesday same time
Action3: Nikolaos redo the personal use cases with a sample ontology
made quickly in Protégé
Action4: Giorgos sent the complete section 4 by lunch tomorrow
Action5: Jacco and Raphael: work on section 3 and 5
Action6: Chris improves the NASA use case, include the photo in the HML
document as well as RDF code highlighted
All action by tomorow lunch apart from the structure of the 2nd
deliverable (action1)

Vassilis Tzouvaras
Image Video and Multimedia systems Laboratory
National Technical University of Athens
Tel. +30-210-7723039
Mob. +30-697-7924824
url. www.image.ntua.gr

Received on Thursday, 27 October 2005 08:23:32 UTC