Re: [XSCH/ALL] straw poll options

Jeff Z. Pan wrote:

> Let me clarify the two proposals.
> 1) Primitive equallity: all XML Schema datatypes have disjoint value spaces.
> 2) Primitive equality extended with approximate mappings (easlier known as "leave it to the application"): it is more general than 1). Now all XML Schema datatypes have disjoint value spaces, plus applications can specify some approximate mappings, such as mapping "1.3"^^xsd:float to "1.3"^^xsd:double.

Jeff, we discussed this during the teleconf, but were not sufficiently 
clear on how your mappings will look like and how an we could guarantee 
interoperable behavior (for example in terms of the behavior of the 
SPARQL example posted by Jeremy).

Could you be more precise and give an example of the proposed mappings?


Received on Monday, 28 November 2005 19:13:18 UTC