[VM] purl.org redirection

In the new draft Apache Configuration Cookbook [1], Alistair writes:

> Note also that PURL servers use a 302 redirect code, and therefore
> ontologies with slash namespaces using PURL servers will not strictly conform
> with the TAG resolution on httpRange-14 [@@TODOREF].

Two comments:

-- The @@TODOREF is [2].

-- Did we ever decided that Ian Davis's solution for the purl.org-based
   vocab.org vocabulary would not work [3]?

   > I would expect a PURL 302 redirecting to a location which then 303 
   > redirects to another document to be an acceptable solution.
   > I use this for the relationship RDF schema. I have a property:
   > http://purl.org/vocab/relationship/childOf
   > which 302 redirects to
   > http://vocab.org/relationship/childOf
   > which 303 redirects to
   > http://vocab.org/relationship/
   > which provides HTML and RDF documentation for the property.

As someone supposedly once said: "There is no problem
that cannot be solved with an additional redirection."
One practical advantage of this approach is that it would
require no changes to existing purl.org code.



[1] http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/BestPractices/VM/http-examples/2005-11-18/#purls
[2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-tag/2005Jun/0039.html
[3] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-swbp-wg/2005Aug/0038.html

Dr. Thomas Baker                      baker@sub.uni-goettingen.de
SUB - Goettingen State                            +49-551-39-3883
and University Library                           +49-30-8109-9027
Papendiek 14, 37073 Göttingen

Received on Tuesday, 22 November 2005 06:07:05 UTC