Re: [VM] Invitation to a SWBPD WG telecon to discuss apache and best practices

Hi Ralph,

On Wed, 2005-11-02 at 15:07 -0500, Ralph R. Swick wrote:
> Matthieu, Vivien, Ted, and
> FYI, Gerald, for when you return from vacation.
> As folk who have some experience in configuring apache and have
> been part of W3C systeam discussions on good practices for such
> things as content negotiation, the Vocabulary Management Task
> Force [1] of the SemWeb Best Practices and Deployment WG would
> appreciate your insights in a discussion of proposals it is considering
> for best practices in serving content at RDF URIs.
>    [1]
> Please let us know if you're interested in the discussion and able
> to attend on the 15th.  Discussion in email, via the public-swbp-wg
> mailing list would also be welcome.  Please include the text "[VM]"
> in subject lines to tag messages relevant to this discussion.

<Ralph> vivien, would you be available next Tuesday at 1400 UTC to
discuss apache stuff with a SWBPD task force?
<vivien> Ralph, sorry I missed replying to your first email, and now I
see I also missed the last teleconf
<vivien> so yes I am available next tuesday
<vivien> I'm actually looking at Alistair's emails


Vivien Lacourba                     
World Wide Web Consortium       
W3C Systems Team

Received on Thursday, 17 November 2005 16:43:03 UTC