Re: SKOS Core second review


Hope your play went well!

>  2. Subsequently, reviewers should check that changes have been implemented to their satisfaction, before approving revised working drafts.

I think if large sections of text in the Guide are added/changed it
would be good to let the wider community take a look at them also.
Would be strange that the other parts of the text have been read and
commented upon by the community but these new parts go to the review
without the community having a chance to see them first (and help spot
mistakes and ambiguities).

This could be solved by attaching a draft text to a proposed change
when it hasn't been modified in say two weeks. Does this seem a good
idea or would it slow down the editing/reviewing process too much?
Would also mean generating text that is not used when the proposed
change is dropped later on.

But I don't think that this procedure is really required for the
current changes in [1] (except maybe [2] regarding paragraph on



  Mark F.J. van Assem - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam -

  Mark F.J. van Assem - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam -

Received on Monday, 25 July 2005 14:13:40 UTC