RDF in XHTML update

Hi all,

As I am unable to attend the later Thursday telecons this season, here  
is an update from the RDF-in-XHTML task force.

The actions from our last telecon are completed:

- we provided feedback to the HTML WG concerning the XHTML 2  
MetaInformation Module

- we put together a set of uses cases for the issue of bridging the  
syntactic/semantic web:

- the HTML WG got back to us this week with the RDF/A proposal for  
resolving some of the issues above:

- we're working on a new requirements document that summarizes our work  
more formally:

Our next important step will be to review the HTML WG document and  
provide them with feedback ASAP. We'll also need to make sure we've  
taken all the historical requirements into account in our latest  
requirements document: this issue has been on the table for quite some  
time, and the requirements have evolved significantly.

-Ben Adida

Received on Wednesday, 13 October 2004 23:04:51 UTC