Re: link navigation

On Tue, 20 Oct 2015 06:46:53 +0900, Chaals McCathie Nevile  
<> wrote:

> This is trivial to represent as a sparse table, although a little  
> clunkier on the Web where table markup is pretty simplistic. You place  
> the cost as
> row headers, in decreasing order. You place the number of deaths as  
> column headers, in increasing order.
> Alternatively you make a chord graph, with the left-hand-side  
> representing the total cost, and the right-hand side the total number of
> deaths. My current thinking on how to lay it out is to split the
> connectors into two pieces.
> If you keep the deaths/costs axes vertical and use quadrilateral
> connectors, I would split them into triangles (by diving the  
> quadrilateral daigonally, from axis to axis, and then adding a line
> around the quadrilateral so the bounding box - and therefore the focus
> ring - covers the whole thing. You would be able to navigate up and
> down each axis, or follow a link from one axis to the other.

I made something like this, omstly just for thinking my way through:

It shows there are some issues for making visual representation and  
navigation match, especially when what I really want is a connector.

More thinking to comeā€¦



> The height of the quadrilateral on each side would be the width of the
> blocks in the current diagram.
> The logical extension of that pattern to this graph is that you take the
> connectors as they currently are, and do the topologically equivalent
> division - i.e. you need a cubic curve between the top left and bottom
> right corners of each.
> The difficulty is not in how too put together the graph, it's just in
> getting the curves and then splitting them diagonally. The rest is work.
> So you would have:
> list, 8 items
>    first item list 2 items:
>       breast cancer, $256M
>       Link to death numbers: 41k, 3rd
> second item list 2 items
>      prostate cancer $147M
>      Link to death numbers: 21k, 5th
> third item list 2 items
>      heart disease $54M
>      Link to deaths: 600k 1st
> etc, until you got to the second list, which was death rates, linking  
> back
> in the analgous way, e.g.
> list 8 items
>    first item list 2 items
>      heart disease 600k
>      link to cost: $54M, 3rd
>    second item list 2 items
>      COPD 143k
>      link to cost: $7M, 6th
> Note that all the numbers, the ranking, and also proportional comparison,
> can be calculated from the figures provided which were presumably used to
> generate the chart. I.e. it can *all* be done automatically, given the  
> set
> of numbers.
> A more interesting question is whether you can do something smart at the
> point where the paths cross over, for people who are using a pointer. But
> nothing interesting springs to mind.
> cheers
> On Mon, 19 Oct 2015 22:44:12 +0200, Fred Esch <> wrote:
>> Chaals,
>> I pulled this image from Graham Will's blog Working Vis. Since Graham is
>> doing Brunel Visualization language we could probably get an SVG of it.
>> In any case, it would be difficult to >make a useful link based
>> navigation using tabindex for something like this. Chord charts would be
>> difficult also.
>> Here is a summary of the image. The image consists of two columns with
>> (the same) eight diseases listed in each column. Both columns are
>> independently sorted. The left column is >sorted by the amount of money
>> spent on (I am guessing research) on the disease and the right column is
>> sorted on the number deaths from the disease. The diseases are
>> represented by >rounded rectangles with their area/width (height is
>> constant) proportional to the amount of money spent (left column) and
>> number of deaths (right column). Each disease is also labeled >with the
>> disease name and amount of money (left column) and number of deaths
>> (right column). The diseases are color coded and the a thick semi opaque
>> gray (curvy) line connects the >same disease in both columns. As it
>> turns out, none of the connecting gray lines are horizontal, they either
>> go up or down.
>> Another interesting thing about this chart is I don't think it would
>> work well as a table. You could invent a dollars/death ratio to keep a
>> disease in a single row, but then you could not sort by >both factors
>> independently.
>>> Regards,
>> Fred EschWatson, IBM, W3C >Accessibility

Charles McCathie Nevile - web standards - CTO Office, Yandex - - - Find more at

Received on Sunday, 1 November 2015 19:06:26 UTC