Re: Scores for head to head events

#2 seems repetitive. It’s like you could just make score a property of homeTeam and awayTeam, which already imply a match in which a score would occur.

Also, how general do we need to be? Are we going to draw a distinction between team events, head-to-head sports (boxing, fencing) and race-type events (F1, athletics, swimming)? Or do we want a general formation for all three of those types of competition (to use the north american sense of that word :)

Or was that already decided long ago and I’ve forgotten?

> On Nov 19, 2015, at 11:19 AM, Jonathan Balls <> wrote:
> I've been thinking about how we get outcomes of sporting events into
> I've been considering Football match reports as an example use and I've come up with a couple of different approaches.
> 1) In the published SportsEvent we've already got properties for awayTeam and homeTeam. The simplest way to model results for these kinds of events might by using awayScore and homeScore properties, e.g.:
> <script type="application/ld+json">
> {
>   "@context":"",
>   "@type":"SportsEvent",
>   "name": "Barclays Premier League Liverpool v Crystal Palace",
>   "homeTeam": 
>     {
>       "@type": "SportsTeam",
>       "name": "Liverpool"
>     },
>   "awayTeam":
>     {
>       "@type": "SportsTeam",
>       "name": "Crystal Palace"
>     },
>   "homeScore": 1,
>   "awayScore": 2
> }
> </script>
> 2) We model the score objects and link them back to competitor. This is more complex but could support an unlimited number of competitors: e.g.:
> <script type="application/ld+json">
> {
>   "@context":"",
>   "@type":"SportsEvent",
>   "name": "Barclays Premier League Liverpool v Crystal Palace",
>   "homeTeam": 
>     {
>       "@type": "SportsTeam",
>       "@id": "", 
>       "name": "Liverpool"
>     },
>   "awayTeam":
>     {
>       "@type": "SportsTeam",
>       "@id": "",
>       "name": "Crystal Palace"
>     },
>   "scores":
>     [
>       {
>         "@type": "SportsScore",
>         "competitor": "",
>         "value": 1
>       },
>       {
>         "@type": "SportsScore",
>         "competitor": "",
>         "value": 2
>       }
>     ]
> }
> </script>
> Any thoughts on either of these approaches? Would they work for your use cases?
> Jonnie

Received on Thursday, 19 November 2015 22:21:05 UTC