(no subject)

Dear all,

I have the following question:

In the previous version of SPRQL I was using the CONSTRUCT clause to
extract the graph part of a KB.

This feature does not seam to work in the SPARQL 1.1.  when i use the  Path

For example,
                   { ?x (^rdfs:subClassOf)*/^rdf:type ?y }
                    WHERE {
                    ?x  (^rdfs:subClassOf)*/^rdf:type  ?y
I want, by this query to extract the path between ?x and ?y when it is
egale to (^rdfs:subClassOf)*/^rdf:type. This query work with the SELECT
clause but no with the  CONSTRUCT clause

Can you please tell me if I do something wrong or if there is an other
solution to do that in SPARQL 1.1?

Thank you in advance,

On Tue, Jul 7, 2015 at 1:14 PM, Hanane Ouksili <hanane.ouksili@gmail.com>

> Dear all,
> I have the following question:
> In the previous version of SPRQL I was using the CONSTRUCT clause to
> extract the graph part of a KB.
> This feature does not seam to work in the SPARQL 1.1.  when i use the
>  Path Language
> Can you please tell me if I do something wrong or if there is
> --
> * Hanane OUKSILIDoctorante - Laboratoire PRiSM Université de
> Versailles-St-Quentin-en-Yvelines- EDF - R&DDépartement STEP Chatou *


* Hanane OUKSILIDoctorante - Laboratoire PRiSM Université de
Versailles-St-Quentin-en-Yvelines- EDF - R&DDépartement STEP Chatou
hanane.ouksili@gmail.com <hanane.ouksili@gmail.com> tél 00336 49 69 43  03*

Received on Tuesday, 7 July 2015 14:12:01 UTC