Re: application/sparql-results+xml and namespaces

good morning;

> On 2015-07-06, at 08:48, Pierre-Antoine Champin <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I encounter an interoperability problem related to the SPARQL Query Result XML format [1], and I can't decide on which side the bug is, so I'm asking that list...
> Section 2.1 of the recommendation [2] states that: 
>     The SPARQL Results Document begins with sparql document element in the 
> namespace, written as follows:
>       <?xml version="1.0"?>
>         <sparql xmlns="">
>          ...
>         </sparql>
> Because "written as follows" seems to insist on *that* particular syntax, it is not clear to me whether the following would be compliant:
>       <?xml version="1.0"?>
>         <sparql:sparql xmlns:sparql="">
>          ...
>         </sparq:sparql>
> I would expect that its (or I don't see the point of mentioning an XML namespace in the first place), and this expectation seems to be shared RDFLib [3] developers, because they produce the second version of the XML.
> However, Corese [4] developers seems to interpret it more strictly, as it only recognizes the first version, and not the second one (when processing federated queries).

then their xml decoding chain is non-conformant.

if it does not decode a document of the second form to produce a dom equivalent to that which it produces from the first one, then the parser is not conformant.
your "SPARQL Query Results XML Format” reference defines the encoding to be “valid xml”, not some special encoding, which the encoding with an explicit namespace prefix is, just as much as one which uses the default namespace.

> In any case, I'll report this problem to both, according to Postel's law [5], but I'm curious about how other interpret this problem, and the general consensus if there is one...
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]

james anderson | |

Received on Monday, 6 July 2015 08:09:16 UTC