Re: soliciting your favorite (public) SPARQL queries!

On 21 Aug 2008, at 06:58, Lee Feigenbaum wrote:
> I'm putting together a "SPARQL by Example" tutorial, which is, as  
> the name suggests, a step-by-step introduction to SPARQL taught  
> almost entirely through complete, runnable SPARQL queries.
> So far, I've gathered a great deal of example queries myself, but I  
> know that many subscribers to these lists probably have favorite  
> queries of their own that you might be willing to share with me.

I liked the DBpedia queries someone has collected here:

Might try to dig up some more examples.


> I'm looking for:
> 1) SPARQL queries
> 2) ...that can be run by anyone (no private data sets)
> 3a)...either by running the query against a public SPARQL endpoint
> 3b)...or by using a public SPARQL endpoint that will fetch HTTP- 
> accessible RDF data (e.g. or
> 4) ...that answers a real* question
> 5) ...and that is fun!**
> * real is in the eye of the beholder, I imagine, but I'm not looking  
> for  "finds the predicates that relate ex:s and ex:o in this sample  
> RDF graph"
> ** fun is also in the eye of the beholder. fun can be a query on fun  
> data; a clever query that may illustrate a particular SPARQL  
> construct ("trick"); a query that integrates interesting  
> information; a query with surprising results; etc.
> thanks to anyone who is able to contribute!
> Lee
> PS I plan to make the tutorial slides available online under an  
> appropriate CC license once they are completed.

Received on Thursday, 21 August 2008 12:20:44 UTC