Re: Open Github Issues

What you describe is a multitude duck-taped JSON solutions. They might
solve the immediate problem at hand, but they do not bring us closer
to the read-write Web of Data. For that, we need a uniform graph data
model. Luckily, there is RDF.
There was a similar thread on the Hydra list recently:

What do you respond to the argument that restricting media type in AS
breaks content negotiation, one of the architectural principles of the

On Tue, Oct 20, 2015 at 4:36 PM, Christopher Allan Webber
<> wrote:
> Martynas Jusevičius writes:
>> AS 2.0 is not an RDF application, yet it defines an RDF vocabulary and
>> specifically chooses JSON-LD instead of custom JSON to be interpreted as
>> RDF?
> I think it's great that it defines an RDF vocabulary and can be
> potentially expressed as such.  That doesn't mean that because it's an
> option that it *must* express itself full-on this way.
>> What happens if I take your examples and publish them as Turtle? Why can't
>> that data be valid AS data? A well-designed system would be able to consume
>> both.
>> By restricting the media type, AS is breaking content negotiation:
>> I can understand it is favoring JSON over other syntaxes. Is it because
>> JSON happens to be native to JavaScript, or, as Melvin has put it, because
>> it is fashionable?
>> It is not safe to assume that a majority of semantic agents will be written
>> in JavaScript. Without that premise, JSON-LD has no advantages over other
>> RDF syntaxes.
> It isn't because of Javascript; I've spent the last 10 years as a web
> developer for various organizations, and the de-facto way to write web
> APIs right now is to have HTTP endpoints that send JSON from place to
> place.  And I'm not a Javascript developer; most of my time has been
> spent in Python (with some excurions into various lisps, and a few brief
> stints in Ruby), and I can tell you that *all major web frameworks* are
> catered to this style of communication.  This isn't true of RDF (and it
> isn't of Microformats either).  You can do those, but the tooling
> doesn't work that way out of the box, and it'll take extra work.  Path
> of least resistance.
> JSON from endpoint to endpoint is how APIs are currently written.
> I think it sticks in the craw of the linked data community that
> "AS2... it's soooooo close, it can even be expressed as RDF, can we just
> get them to go full RDF?"  But the goal here is to build something that
> can work with mainstream developers, yes, because we want to bring the
> technologies we're proposing to the majority of the world.
> There's a big win for a developer being able to just HTTP GET some JSON
> resource and start pulling out keys, and *that's it*, no extra graph
> processing or anything.
> The good news is, as soon as you want to start extending AS2, you'll
> look at the json-ld representation in more depth, and that can be a
> "gateway drug" for more linked data exploration.
> The other good news is, if you recognize the ActivityStreams2
> representation based off of the mimetype, you could do the appropriate
> conversion to other linked data stuff in what, a 5 line procedure?
> Maybe less!  That's pretty great, I think.

Received on Tuesday, 20 October 2015 14:56:36 UTC