RE: Identity Fragmentation and sensitivity to access by unknown users among Adult Social Networking users

Tim Anglade wrote:
> Outside of just the reports, I think interesting links like those who have
started flying around on the mailing need a decent place to be shared and
stored on. Maybe we could set up a daringfireball-like linked-list system
[1] somewhere? Does the W3C usually use such technology?
>Otherwise, a proper tag on delicious or a group on magnolia could be
enough. Or were you looking for something with more features, like full-text
> [1]

Personally, since this is one of the most important assets I maintain (for
professional services), I have a knowledge management system/mind-mapping
application I use religiously. 

My suggestion is for the benefit of the community we are forming and those
who may join later.

I don't know what others may/will need. I imagine that this is not a new
request to W3C. 

Let's wait and see what Dominique says or if others express any preferences
regarding what features they would like.


Received on Friday, 23 January 2009 11:59:41 UTC