Re: CSUN 2019 Face to Face Silver meeting

Silver and AGWG will be meeting in the same venue (Anaheim Marriott) 
hopefully with rooms very close together.  We are planning joint meeting 
time.  The agenda topics on the info page list the topics we want to 
address in the joint meetings.

Planning meetings at different times of the year is difficult because of 
the cost of travel and the cost of meeting space. The most convenient 
face to face meeting times and locations are the same for both groups 
(TPAC and CSUN).  This year, CSUN agreed to donate meeting room space to 
W3C WAI, so multiple groups are meeting at the same time.  Last year, 
Silver planned their Design Sprint meeting nine months in advance of 
CSUN and had arranged their own space. AGWG later decided to hold a face 
to face meeting at the same because it was convenient for so many 
members who were attending CSUN.

We are open to having different meetings than AGWG, but it has to work 
for the Silver Community Group members, many of whom do not have their 
travel costs reimbursed.  I assume that is also an issue for the Invited 
Experts of AGWG.


On 1/14/2019 1:44 PM, Abma, J.D. (Jake) wrote:
> +1
> *From:*David MacDonald []
> *Sent:* maandag 14 januari 2019 18:07
> *To:* Jeanne Spellman <>
> *Cc:* Silver Task Force <>; Shawn Lauriat 
> <>
> *Subject:* Re: CSUN 2019 Face to Face Silver meeting
> I would love to attend but it seems every face to face corresponds 
> with the exact times of WCAG face to face meetings. I would prefer if 
> we could integrate the two teams better.
> Cheers,
> David MacDonald
> *Can**Adapt**Solutions Inc.*
> Tel:  613-806-9005
> LinkedIn
> <>
> <>
> GitHub <>
> <>
> /Adapting the web to *all* users/
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> policy <>
> On Mon, Jan 14, 2019 at 11:44 AM Jeanne Spellman 
> < 
> <>> wrote:
>     We will be holding a Face to Face meeting on 11 & 12 March 2019 at
>     the
>     Anaheim Marriott (the site of the 2019 CSUN AT conference) from 9-5
>     Pacific time.  Remote participation will be available.
>     Details are posted on the wiki and are linked from the wiki main
>     page.
>     We will update them as we get closer to the date.
>     Please respond to Jeanne and Shawn personal email by 16 January if
>     you
>     are planning to attend.  Please don't reply to the Silver list.
>     Shawn Lauriat
>     Jeanne Spellman
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Received on Tuesday, 15 January 2019 17:50:44 UTC