Document with Design Sprint Problem statements

In the Silver meeting today we discussed setting up problems statements 
for each of the major topics that we want to address at the Design 
Sprint meeting 19 & 20 March in San Diego prior to CSUN accessibility 
conference.  As the call was wrapping up, we volunteered to take 
actions, and mine was organizing and setting up the documents.

I set up a new sub-folder titled "Design Sprint Meeting" for  the 
related documents.  It is on the Google drive under:
Silver Subgroup -> Phase 2 Designing Silver -> Design Sprint Meeting.  I 
moved related documents there.

I created a new document titled: Problem Statements for Design Sprint:
edit version (needs permission):

I copied the section of the template from Charles' "Insight vs Personas" 
at the top as a template.  We can delete that later.  I set up the 
sub-headings for each one.  I'm going to work on distilling the research 
issues for the Usability section, and write a draft of the problem 

Jemma is drafting the Conformance statement

Jennison is drafting the Maintenance statement

Charles is mainly working on the Stakeholder spreadsheet writing the job 
case statements, but is going to help with the Usability problem statement.

I did think of another potential problem statement about "Inclusivity" 
of more disabilities and providing a way to add and update requirements 
as technology changes user needs.   I'm unsure whether it needs to be a 
part of every problem statement, or whether it should have its own 
problem statement.   Thoughts?


Received on Tuesday, 28 November 2017 16:31:34 UTC