from November 2014 by subject

2 Future Business & Economics Academic Conferences

[ANN] Tawny-OWL 1.3.0

[LLD] Dataset Description telco CANCELLED 8AM PST/11AM ET/5PM CET

[LLD] Reminder: Dataset descriptions telco 8AM PST / 5PM CET

[RDF/COI]: C-CDA RDF representations

Agenda for Tue Nov 25 HL7 ITS RDF Subgroup / W3C HCLS COI call -- Review of FHIR ontology approaches

AlCoB 2015: 1st call for papers

BigDat 2015: registration deadline 23 November

Canceled Event: [LLD] Reminder: Dataset Description telco @ Mon 2014-11-24 11:00 - 12:00 (HCLS)

Charter approved for RDF subgroup of HL7 ITS group!

Event Invitation: HL7 ITS RDF Subgroup & W3C HCLS COI Group - Weekly Teleconference

FORCE2015 Deadlines, Travel Awards, and Abstracts

Fwd: CfPart: Semantic Web Applications and Tools for the Life Sciences (SWAT4LS 2014)

Meeting record 2014 Nov 4 W3C-HCLS-COI/HL7-ITS-RDF joint call

Meeting record: Mark Musen on iCat / Web Protege for ICD-11 and the Yosemite Project

Open engineer position available in Montpellier - Web developer - Semantic Web - BioPortal

Open half-time post-doc postion on 'artificial intelligence in medicine' at the Medical University of Vienna

Postdoctoral positions available in Semantic Web technologies, ontology, knowledge and data mining in biology

Proposed agenda for Nov 18 HL7 ITS / W3C HCLS RDF Subgroup call

Proposed agenda for Nov 18 HL7 ITS RDF / W3C HCLS COI call

Proposed agenda for Nov 4 HL7 ITS RDF Subgroup call

Remaining Yosemite Project Webinar Series episodes have been announced

Runoff poll RESULTS for RDF Subgroup of HL7 ITS: Tuesdays 11am Eastern US timezone

TPNC 2014: call for participation

Tue Nov 11: Mark Musen on iCat / Web Protege for ICD-11 and the Yosemite Project

Updated Event Invitation: HL7 ITS RDF Subgroup & W3C HCLS COI Group - Weekly Teleconference

Validation of SHOULD NOT property

Last message date: Saturday, 29 November 2014 13:32:51 UTC