Re: Agenda for Tue Nov 25 HL7 ITS RDF Subgroup / W3C HCLS COI call -- Review of FHIR ontology approaches

Hi grahame,

I took that as a given.  Objects will just have properties.  Some of those
properties will have a URL base of the resource, some will have a URL of
some extension definition.

Lloyd McKenzie


Note: Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the opinions and positions
expressed in this e-mail do not necessarily reflect those of my clients nor
those of the organizations with whom I hold governance positions.

On Thu, Nov 27, 2014 at 1:38 PM, Grahame Grieve <> wrote:

> there's no reason why a RDF form shouldn't put extensions as siblings, not
> children. Does that make any difference?
> Grahame
> On Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 6:42 PM, Lloyd McKenzie <>
> wrote:
>> Sorry I missed the call (and I'm likely to miss the next one too).  The
>> general representation of FHIR in RDF/OWL is pretty straight-forward.  FHIR
>> has Resources which are structures that can contain sub-structures.  The
>> structures correspond to classes.  The elements within those structures
>> correspond to properties.
>> However, there are several tricky bits we need to deal with:
>> 1. All elements are extensible, even the simple types.  So birthDate
>> isn't actually a simple type, but instead a complex type with an optional
>> "value" property with type xsd:date, but can have other properties in
>> addition/instead
>> 2. In addition to "regular" extensions, resources can have
>> modifierExtensions which change the meaning of at least some other
>> properties.  That sort of behavior gives reasoners fits, but we need to
>> account for it
>> 3. The terminologies we link to are continuously evolving.  FHIR allows
>> identifying the version of the code system a code is from - do we have to
>> make that matter?  I did it in the RIM ontology, but it's painful.
>> 4. Coded elements can have multiple codings and the meaning of the
>> codings won't necessarily be equivalent.  The solution will have to work in
>> an environment where multiple codings are declared and mappings exist
>> between the codes
>> 5. In FHIR there are defaults and information can sometimes be conveyed
>> by the absence of information.  E.g. If a patient doesn't declare the
>> "animal" element, it's inferred to be a human.  This doesn't play that
>> nicely with an open-world view where failing to declare "animal" doesn't
>> mean that patient isn't an animal.
>> 6. In FHIR, repeating elements are treated as lists/arrays where order
>> matters and must be retained.
>> 7. Finally, the RDF sytntax needs to be round-trippable with the XML and
>> JSON syntaxes.  I.e. An instance must be convertable from RDF to JSON to
>> XML to RDF without any loss of information and with the conversion process
>> not knowing anything other than the FHIR resource and data type
>> definitions.  (And ideally, the round-tripped version should still be valid
>> against any digital signatures.)
>> The RDF (FHIR instance) and OWL (FHIR profile definition) representations
>> will need to take into account the above.  (It's possible I've missed a
>> couple of "gotchas" too - so feel free to supplement this list.)
>> Lloyd
>> --------------------------------------
>> Lloyd McKenzie
>> +1-780-993-9501
>> Note: Unless explicitly stated otherwise, the opinions and positions
>> expressed in this e-mail do not necessarily reflect those of my clients nor
>> those of the organizations with whom I hold governance positions.
>> On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 7:09 PM, David Booth <> wrote:
>>> Draft minutes from today's call:
>>> and also below in plain text.  Thanks to Tony for an excellent intro to
>>> his FHIR ontology approach!  Tony's slides:
>>> att-0048/FHIR_OWLv3.pdf
>>> Next week will will continue with EricP's and Claude's FHIR ontology
>>> approaches.
>>> Thanks!
>>> David Booth
>>>       --------------------------------------
>>>    [1]W3C
>>>       [1]
>>>                                - DRAFT -
>>>                  HCLS with Tony Mallia on FHIR ontology
>>> 25 Nov 2014
>>>    See also: [2]IRC log
>>>       [2]
>>> Attendees
>>>    Present
>>>           Tony_Mallia, David_Booth, Josh_Mandel, Rob_Hausam,
>>>           EricP_Joshua_Phillips, Patricia_Grime(sp?), Stan_Huff,
>>>           Cecil_Lynch, mscottm, Guoqian, Charlie_Mead,
>>>           Marc_Twagirumukiza, Rafael_Richards_(IRC_only?),
>>>           Daniel_Karlsson, Cati_Martinez_Costa_(IRC_only?)
>>>    Regrets
>>>    Chair
>>>           DavidBooth
>>>    Scribe
>>>           ericP
>>> Contents
>>>      * [3]Topics
>>>          1. [4]Role call and agenda
>>>          2. [5]Logistics
>>>          3. [6]Orphaned action items
>>>          4. [7]Review of Work Projects
>>>          5. [8]PhUSE-FDA project (formerly CDISC2RDF)
>>>          6. [9]C-CDA RDF representations
>>>          7. [10]High-level concept mapping to RDF (AR typeCodes,
>>>             etc.)
>>>          8. [11]Comparison of FHIR ontology approaches
>>>      * [12]Summary of Action Items
>>>      __________________________________________________________
>>>    <JoshM> So should I be dialing into gotomeeting, or the W3C
>>>    bridge?
>>>    <dbooth> zakim aadd is PatriciaGrime
>>>    <Claude_> 1. Please join my meeting.
>>>    [13] 2. Use your
>>>    microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended. Or,
>>>    call in using your telephone. Dial +1 (213) 289-0016 Access
>>>    Code: 157-514-853 Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting
>>>    Meeting ID: 157-514-853 GoToMeeting® Online Meetings Made Easy®
>>>      [13]
>>> Role call and agenda
>>>    <inserted> Postponed approving last week's minutes, because no
>>>    ITS co-chair is on the call to permit formal approval.
>>>    <daniel> daniel karlsson here, not identified
>>> Logistics
>>>    <scribe> ACTION: ericP to set up tracker [recorded in
>>>    [14]]
>>>    <dbooth> Orphaned action items
>>> Orphaned action items
>>> Review of Work Projects
>>>    <dbooth> ACTION: Tony to find out more details about how iCat
>>>    handles ICD-11 ont and report back [recorded in
>>>    [15]] --
>>>    PENDING
>>>      [15]]
>>> PhUSE-FDA project (formerly CDISC2RDF)
>>>    <dbooth> ACTION: Kerstin and Ingeborg to prepare a status and
>>>    future state ideas for PhUSE-FDA work [recorded in
>>>    [16]] --
>>>    PENDING
>>>      [16]]
>>> C-CDA RDF representations
>>>    <dbooth> ACTION: Eric to establish/make a wiki page for C-CDA
>>>    RDF representations work [recorded in
>>>    [17]]
>>>      [17]]
>>>    <dbooth> [PENDING]
>>> High-level concept mapping to RDF (AR typeCodes, etc.)
>>>    <dbooth> ACTION: Tony and Rob to report their plan on
>>>    High-level concept mapping to RDF work [recorded in
>>>    [18]] --
>>>    PENDING
>>>      [18]]
>>>    <dbooth> ACTION: Rob and all to decide on a wiki for Term Info
>>>    work [recorded in
>>>    [19]] --
>>>    PENDING
>>>      [19]]
>>>    <dbooth> Should be an action for Rob instead of Tony.
>>>    ->
>>>    [20]
>>>    bility/TermInfo HCLS TermInfo page
>>>      [20]
>>> bility/TermInfo
>>> Comparison of FHIR ontology approaches
>>>    <dbooth> gotomeeting link:
>>>    [21]
>>>      [21]
>>>    <scribe> scribenick: ericP
>>>    Tony: this is exploratory work to see the issues around an
>>>    ontology for FHIR
>>>    ... w3c defines many exchange formats
>>>    ... RDFXML is widely used
>>>    ... will present in Turtle 'cause ericP proposed that. i never
>>>    look at the bits so RDF/XML is fine for me
>>>    ... in FHIR, you exchange a fragment of an ontology
>>>    ... but if you're using a SemWeb environment, you can import
>>>    other ontologies to see the full picture
>>>    ... the refs to resources are like FHIR resources
>>>    <dbooth> Tony Mallia's FHIR ontology slides:
>>>    [22]
>>>    -0048/FHIR_OWLv3.pdf
>>>      [22]
>>> att-0048/FHIR_OWLv3.pdf
>>>    Tony: but in terminologies, you express it as an RDF URI which
>>>    you have gotten from some other mechanism
>>>    ... in the exchange, we see that it's a system of ontologies:
>>>    ... .. exchange
>>>    ... .. terminology
>>>    ... .. instance record
>>>    ... .
>>>    ... next step: work out the distributed ontology
>>>    ... fhir types point to terms. you change what is mostly the
>>>    facts to a recieving system which maps it to pictures
>>>    ... slide 4: ballot adverse reaction example
>>>    ... example symptoms is embedded rather than a resource
>>>    ... exposure has an external link to the substance
>>>    dbooth: is this an appropriate example?
>>>    cecil: by "embedded objects", you mean attributes of the
>>>    resource itself
>>>    Tony: we have a mixture of patterns which we need to deal with
>>>    ... , need to figure out how we'd map from one to another
>>>    ... [slide 6]
>>>    ... an XML element name points to a type in the schema
>>>    ... RDF has a direct expression of type
>>>    ... elements ref'd in object properties can be embedded or
>>>    external
>>>    ... example asserts that record:AR123456 is a
>>>    fhir:AdverseReaction, as well as a SNOMED 241931004
>>>    ... protege threw in that it was a named individual
>>>    ... do we talk about a symptom as an AdverseReaction?
>>>    ... in RDF, we don't care if a node is local or needs to be
>>>    resolved via a query
>>>    dbooth: record: is instance data?
>>>    Marc_Twagirumukiza: this SNOMED code is a big class. do we
>>>    expect to have granular codes e.g. skin rash?
>>>    Tony: snomed equiv need not be expressed in the instance.
>>>    ... the relationshop between fhir:AdverseReaction and the equiv
>>>    snomed term would not appear in the instance data
>>>    ... [slide 7]
>>>    ... defining constraints about an "Adverse Reaction"
>>>    ... this is a style for doing a FHIR ontology
>>>    ... [slide 8]
>>>    ... this is a slice of a snapshot of the SNOMED ontology
>>>    ... there are versioned variants (seen at the bottom)
>>>    Cecil: if you're looking at an individual FHIR resource, why
>>>    would you carry the subclass?
>>>    ... could get verbose
>>>    Tony: payload just has the ref to 241931004
>>>    ... the rest is in the SNOMED ontology
>>>    ... [slide 9]
>>>    ... in ICD-11, codes are classes, as with SNOMED-CT
>>>    Guoqian: ICD comes from WHO. WHO has produced an RDF rendering
>>>    of ICD-11Beta
>>>    <dbooth> Mistake on Tony's slide: ICD-11 is from WHO, not ISO.
>>>    Tony: do you have an example of the formation of WHO URLs?
>>>    Guoqian: will see if i can share
>>>    Tony: probably similar to IHTSDO's approach
>>>    <dbooth> ACTION: Guoqian to figure out whether he can share URI
>>>    conventions for ICD-11 [recorded in
>>>    [23]]
>>>    Tony: [slide 10]
>>>    ... when you import other ontologies, you see the larger
>>>    picture
>>>    ... notation: '?' indicates a value set
>>>    ... [slide 11 - combined ontology]
>>>    ... alergy instance in the middle.
>>>    ... all of this binding occurs with closures in the RDF
>>>    ... [slide 12 - example with allergy to penicillin]
>>>    ... when you say "some penicillin", it's idenifying an abstract
>>>    ... those may be better in the terminology
>>>    ... but when it's a particular instance, better in the instance
>>>    Cecil: if you're using owl:someOf, your saying that it's an
>>>    unknown instance.
>>>    ... if i wanted to describe this, i'd put it in a
>>>    SubstanceAdministration resource with a lot ID/batch, etc.
>>>    JoshM: when we see a FHIR representation, we see an instance.
>>>    where did that "some" come from
>>>    ... ?
>>>    Tony: came from me playing with it, to get it to connect to a
>>>    SNOMED penicillin
>>>    ... this is an alergy to something that may happen in the
>>>    future
>>>    Cecil: it's implied that it happened at some date or at least
>>>    that you recorded it on some date.
>>>    <dbooth> Tony: record:SomePenicillin means a dose of penicillin
>>>    -- not the OWL notion of "some".
>>>    Tony: [slide 13]
>>>    ... view of allergy 1
>>>    ... infers that it's an alergic disposition and moderage
>>>    ... causative agent is inferred
>>>    ... goal was to represent this in OWL.
>>>    ... i didn't see any real problems
>>>    ... working from the UML concept model
>>>    <dbooth> David: Did you translate the FHIR data manually to
>>>    RDF? Tony: Yes.
>>>    Tony: saying "this is an artifact of the ITS XML representation
>>>    of FHIR, could it be different with RDF?"
>>>    Marc_Twagirumukiza: can we use the SNOMED predicates outside of
>>>    SNOMED?
>>>    <dbooth> Marc: The use of SNOMED as predicates. Can we use them
>>>    out of SNOMED terminology, in FHIR?
>>>    dbooth: in theory those SNOMED predicates tie in to the rest of
>>>    the SNOMED ontology
>>>    Tony: this was a big discussion in the earlier work
>>>    ... when do you bring in other stuff and when does it overlap
>>>    FHIR structure
>>>    dbooth: have to make sure you don't contradict SNOMED so if you
>>>    import more SNOMED later, we won't violate anything
>>>    daniel: this has been explored in CIMI
>>>    ... consider that any ontology with the ambition of SNOMED-CT
>>>    will be less expressive than an information structure.
>>>    ... in an ontology of health care, you'd represent universals
>>>    ... having laterality in the information model and the term
>>>    model is good but the terminology model will be less
>>>    expressive.
>>>    dbooth: this is a motivation for step 6 in the yosemite project
>>>    <dbooth> The need for consistency across ontologies is one of
>>>    the reasons for Step 6 of the [24]
>>>    roadmap.
>>>      [24]
>>>    <dbooth> ADJOURNED
>>>    <dbooth> IRC info: [25]
>>>      [25]
>>>    <dbooth> meeting notes conventions:
>>>    [26]
>>>      [26]
>>> Summary of Action Items
>>>    [NEW] ACTION: Eric to establish/make a wiki page for C-CDA RDF
>>>    representations work [recorded in
>>>    [27]]
>>>    [NEW] ACTION: ericP to set up tracker [recorded in
>>>    [28]]
>>>    [NEW] ACTION: Guoqian to figure out whether he can share URI
>>>    conventions for ICD-11 [recorded in
>>>    [29]]
>>>      [27]
>>>    [PENDING] ACTION: Kerstin and Ingeborg to prepare a status and
>>>    future state ideas for PhUSE-FDA work [recorded in
>>>    [30]]
>>>    [PENDING] ACTION: Rob and all to decide on a wiki for Term Info
>>>    work [recorded in
>>>    [31]]
>>>    [PENDING] ACTION: Tony and Rob to report their plan on
>>>    High-level concept mapping to RDF work [recorded in
>>>    [32]]
>>>    [PENDING] ACTION: Tony to find out more details about how iCat
>>>    handles ICD-11 ont and report back [recorded in
>>>    [33]]
>>>      [30]
>>>      [31]
>>>      [32]
>>>      [33]
>>>    [End of minutes]
>>>      __________________________________________________________
>>>     Minutes formatted by David Booth's [34]scribe.perl version
>>>     1.140 ([35]CVS log)
>>>     $Date: 2014-11-25 18:05:13 $
>>>      __________________________________________________________
>>>      [34]
>>>      [35]
>>> Scribe.perl diagnostic output
>>>    [Delete this section before finalizing the minutes.]
>>> This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.140  of Date: 2014-11-06 18:16:30
>>> Check for newer version at [36]
>>> scribe/
>>>      [36]
>>> Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00)
>>> Succeeded: s/slive/slice/
>>> Succeeded: s/CID-11/ICD-11/
>>> Succeeded: s/some/"some"/
>>> Succeeded: s/___/Marc/
>>> Succeeded: s/Work Projects/Review of Work Projects/
>>> Succeeded: i/zakim, RobHausem is really rhausam/Postponed approving last
>>>  week's minutes, because no ITS co-chair is on the call to permit formal
>>>  approval.
>>> FAILED: s/<JoshM> So should I be dialing into gotomeeting, or the W3C br
>>> idge?//
>>> Succeeded: s/<JoshM> The channel topic indicates gotomeeting//
>>> Succeeded: s/<JoshM> Ah//
>>> Succeeded: s/<JoshM> I would like to suggest that may not work
>>> for this particular group-chat use case.//
>>> Succeeded: s/<JoshM> Is there a meeting happening somewhere? I tried bri
>>> dge, talky, and gotomeeting//
>>> Succeeded: s/<daniel> will audio be on gotomeeting as well?//
>>> Succeeded: s/<trackbot> Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this ch
>>> annel.//g
>>> Succeeded: s|s/<JoshM> So should I be dialing into gotomeeting, or the W
>>> 3C bridge?//||
>>> FAILED: s/So should I be dialing into gotomeeting, or the W3C bridge?//
>>> Succeeded: s|s/So should I be dialing into gotomeeting, or the W3C bridg
>>> e?//||
>>> FAILED: s/So should I be dialing into gotomeeting, or the W3C bridge//
>>> Succeeded: s|s/So should I be dialing into gotomeeting, or the W3C bridg
>>> e//||
>>> Succeeded: s/Tony and all to decide/Rob and all to decide/
>>> Succeeded: s/please ignore the next hand to go up//
>>> Succeeded: s/embodded/embedded/
>>> Succeeded: s/ht eearlier/the earlier/
>>> Found ScribeNick: ericP
>>> Inferring Scribes: ericP
>>> Default Present: +1.978.794.aaaa, DBooth, +1.617.500.aabb, +1.801.949.aa
>>> cc, +1.202.260.aadd, EricP, +1.410.624.aaee, Joshua_Phillips, [IPcaller]
>>> , +1.801.507.aaff, Tony, patricia, +1.415.537.aagg, StanHuff, CecilLynch
>>> , rhausam, mscottm, Guoqian, +, +1.617.500.aaii
>>> Present: Tony_Mallia David_Booth Josh_Mandel Rob_Hausam EricP_Joshua_Phi
>>> llips Patricia_Grime(sp?) Stan_Huff Cecil_Lynch mscottm Guoqian Charlie_
>>> Mead Marc_Twagirumukiza Rafael_Richards_(IRC_only?) Daniel_Karlsson Cati
>>> _Martinez_Costa_(IRC_only?)
>>> Got date from IRC log name: 25 Nov 2014
>>> Guessing minutes URL: [37]
>>> People with action items: all eric ericp guoqian ingeborg kerstin rob to
>>> ny
>>>      [37]
>>>    [End of [38]scribe.perl diagnostic output]
>>>      [38]
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Received on Thursday, 27 November 2014 12:52:29 UTC