Data Sharing - a video

Data sharing is easier said than done, as demonstrated in the (funny
but a little sad!!) video below. It's a true story - I'm sure. You
will laugh and you will cry.

Data represents a significant investment but you would never know it
from the way that data is typically (mis)handled. Data is usually
stored in such a way that the precise meaning of certain data is lost.
A retrospective process of  'semantic elucidation' is often too
expensive and sometimes impossible, and this is what leads to what I
sometimes cynically call an endless supply of ‘disposable data’. I
would argue that the 'added value' of a Semantic Web approach to data
is the prevention of almost certain loss.

“Semantically disambiguate early and often.” - M. Scott Marshall

[Orig. shared by +Andre Dekker . I see that I apparently missed it
when +Trish Whetzel shared this gem.]

My first post:

M. Scott Marshall, PhD
MAASTRO clinic,

Received on Monday, 27 May 2013 20:12:44 UTC