Re: HCLS - visualization task force?

On Tue, 13 Mar 2012 13:09:46 -0600, Jan Aerts <>  

> regarding the visualization of networks and RDF data. We hope to tackle  
> the
> visual exploration of semantic web instance data

Hi all!  Just wanted to toss my hat in this ring also, because the way Jan  
described their approach caught my attention :-)

My feeling is that attempts to visualize RDF networks isn't going to get  
us very far - the granularity of RDF data (when modeled  
semantically-transparently) is simply too fine and at too "low" a level  
for useful human interpretation.  It seems to me that the way to go is to  
attach visualization tools to a higher level of interpretation, where  
there is some "meaning" to be gleaned from chunks of RDF.  e.g. attach a  
renderer to a particular OWL class, and then all of the *instance data*  
(as Jan says) for that class can be explored with some sense of context.   
Alternately, you might attach renderers to SPARQL queries in much the same  

As some of you know, we're already heading down this path in the C-BRASS  
"personalized medicine" project (which ends in 2 weeks), as well as with  
some visualization tools for SADI/SHARE.  Hopefully we'll have something  
to show everyone in a few days/weeks!


Received on Wednesday, 14 March 2012 13:56:23 UTC