RE: Is there an NCBI taxonomy in OWL ?

Yes, I already had downloaded you files ;)
>From a first inspection, they seemed to contain a reduction of the NCBI
Taxonomy (in terms of properties).

I was playing as well with your system, actually at:

but the query:

select ?x where {
	ssb:NCBI_4530 rdfs:label ?x .

Gets in timeout all the time. Shouldn't be such a pretentious query, I
guess, even if you compute transitiveness.

I used to be familiar with biotop, 'till about one year ago. But I don't
aware of the fact that there is a off-the-shelf taxonomy there.


-----Original Message-----
From: Erick Antezana [] 
Sent: 25 February 2009 20:51
To: andrea splendiani (RRes-Roth)
Cc: public-semweb-lifesci hcls; Vladimir Mironov; Martin Kuiper
Subject: Re: Is there an NCBI taxonomy in OWL ?

Hi Andrea,
  you can find an RDF at

and play with it from:

I would also recommend taking a look at the work of Schulz et al:


Andrea Splendiani wrote:
> Hi,
> I was looking for an NCBI Taxnomoy in OWL, but I didn't find it (or 
> better, could find fragment from other projects...)
> What is strange though, is that on the obo foundry website 
> ( there are notes on the ncbi taxonomy 
> representation in owl... but not the representation itself.
> Does anybody have some hint about where I can fin an OWL version ? Or 
> even an RDF version ? Even better would a sparql endpoint containing 
> it...
> best,
> Andrea Splendiani

Received on Thursday, 26 February 2009 00:14:08 UTC