Re: Immunity of SW statements to changes in location - data integration use case

Eric Jain wrote:
> Khalid Belhajjame wrote:
>> I am not sure whether the following issue has already been discussed.
>> By using the identifiers to also locate where the RDFs statements 
>> describing
>> the resource in question are, don’t we somehow dictate where the 
>> document(s)
>> containing the RDFs statements describing a given resource are to be
>> located?
> Not dictating anything, just providing some useful default behavior. If 
> you prefer to resolve to let's 
> say, you can do so in your 
> application.

 From the recent threads, I get the impression that we are trying to do 
combine two functions into the URI:

1) the unambiguous *identification* of a given concept in our own RDF
2) retrieve associated data records from the same URI

Although 2) seems like a nice convenience feature, we have the problem 
of ambiguity that Alan pointed out: It should be possible to distinguish 
statements about a particular data record associated with a concept from 
statements about the concept.

See, for example, 
. "Which data record for P53 did you mean?"


M. Scott Marshall

Received on Monday, 16 July 2007 14:09:34 UTC