Re: fwd: 1st European Conference on Scientific Publishing in Biomedicine & Medicine 2006

Science Commons will be there and presenting as well...

Dan Brickley wrote:
> Anyone from the Interest Group planning to attend this? Would be good
> to build up connections betweeen semweb-for-lifesci and the Open Access
> scene, particularly around document metadata and topic classification,
> I'd imagine.
> Can't make it myself, but would be very interested to see a report 
> posted here from any attendees...
> cheers,
> Dan
> ----- Forwarded message from Yvonne Hultman_Ozek <Yvonne.Hultman_Ozek@MED.LU.SE> -----
> From: Yvonne Hultman_Ozek <Yvonne.Hultman_Ozek@MED.LU.SE>
> Date:         Thu, 12 Jan 2006 12:13:00 +0100
> Subject:      1st European Conference on Scientific Publishing in Biomedicine &
>               Medicine 2006
> Message-ID:  <s3c647df.041@GWSRV.OMV.LU.SE>
> Registration is now open for the
> 1st European Conference on Scientific Publishing in Biomedicine and Medicine - Researchers and Open Access.
> The new scientific publishing environment 21th -22nd of April, 2006 at Scandic Star Hotel, Lund Sweden.
> There is an "early-bird offer", by registering for the conference before 15th of February the fee will be only SEK 2700. Normal fee is SEK 3200. 
> There is one fee only for private companies SEK 3500. For more information, please go to the website and click on "registration".
> We welcome you to participate in a two-day event, covering lectures with a panel discussion, and educational workshops. 
> As the publishing environment encounters new challenges in the Open Access model, researchers are faced with gaining an understanding of the opportunities as well as threats offered by this novel paradigm. 
> The principal aim of the conference is to broaden researchers understanding and knowledge of the rapid changes in the scientific communication and publishing area and its possible implications on the research community. 
> Among issues that will be covered are: 
> *     Dissemination and impact of research in the Open Access environment. 
> *     Authors attitudes and Open Access. 
> *     Publisher's new roles and alternative publishing models
> *     Self-archiving and impact. 
> *     Bibliometric issues 
> *     Research funding and Open Access 
> *     Peer-reviewing 
> *     Copyright and intellectual property. 
> *     History of scientific publishing. 
> The conference event will gather the most authoritative opinions on these issues and offers you the opportunity to participate in lectures and educational workshops in various areas related to authors publishing. 
> Highlights from the programme:
> Lectures: 
> *     Dr. Eugene Garfield, Founder & Chairman Emeritus, Institute  for 
> Scientific Information / Thomson Scientific, will give a lecture on the topic "Identifying Nobel Class Scientists and the Vagaries of Research Assessment". 
> *     Dr. Stevan Harnad, Southampton University UK, will give a lecture 
> on Extending Institutional "Publish or Perish" Policies and Incentives to "Provide Open Access to Publications". 
> *     Dr. Jean-Claude Gu?don from Montreal University will give a lecture 
> on the topic "Open access in the bio-medical fields: why it is important for researchers, practising physicians and patients".
> *     Jan Velterop from Springer Verlag will talk about "Open Access: 
> the Choice Is Yours".
> View the whole lecture programme here:
> Workshops:  
> *     Dr. Sara Schroter & Trish Groves, BMJ Training UK, will give a 
> workshop on peer-review. 
> *     Practical use of the Impact Factor and Citation Analysis using ISI Web of Knowledge, plus the introduction of a new archive from BIOSIS. 
> Presenter is Simon M Pratt, Strategic Business Manager, Thomson Scientific.
> *    Entrez Life Sciences databases. Hands-on training.
> Dr. David Herron, Karolinska Institute.
> View the whole workshop programme here: 
> If you have any further questions, please contact the organisation committee at 
> A conference organised by
> Faculty of Medicine at Lund University
> Sweden
> ----- End forwarded message -----

John Wilbanks
Executive Director
Science Commons

Received on Thursday, 12 January 2006 23:29:47 UTC