> Xiaoshu et al.
> Do you have any perspective on the relation of RDF/A proposal 
> to GRDDL, and how the two might relate/interoperate?

I have asked the same question to Pat Hayes[1], so I don't have a good

But at the current state, I would prefer GRDDL to RDF/A.  The reason is that
using RDF/A would break the validity of X/HTML document. Unless W3C goes to
the miles to add the RDF/A support, using RDF/A means writing invalid-HTML
documents.  But from the point of ease of use, RDF/A is a winer.  As I said
before, XSLT, required by the GRDDL, is quite complex, it is not for the
faint of heart.



Received on Friday, 17 February 2006 17:27:16 UTC