Re: introductions: carole goble

Hello all

I am Carole Goble, a Professor of Computer Science at the University of 
Manchester. I have worked on the Semantic Web from the start, and I have 
a long history of work with bioontologies and clinical ontologies with 
Alan Rector and Robert Stevens. For example, Robert, Norman Paton and I 
developed the TAMBIS system, a long time ago, which used an ontology to 
query across multiple biodatabases.

I am the director of the myGrid project - workflow based middleware for 
bioinformaticians which uses a great deal of semantic web technology for 
its metadata and workflow provenance  management and 
service/workflow/resource discovery. The flagship product of the project 
is the Taverna workflow workbench. myGrid is 
to become part of the UK's e-Science infrastructure, with renewed funds, 
as a key part of the Open Middleware Infrastructure Institute.

We are working with BioMOBY to create a public registry of publicly 
available bioservices that are annotated by an ontology -- currently 
Taverna gives access to over 2000 bioservices, and this is hopeless 
without some sort of controlled vocabulary annotation. How we represent, 
get and maintain those annotations, the ontology modularisation need etc 
is occupying my mind right now.

You might be interested in my Montagues and Capulets talk & paper I have 
given to Standards and Ontologies for Functional Genomics in 2004 and a return match to 
Knowledge Capture 2005 . It sketches why the knowledge representation 
researchers and logicians are the Montagues and the life scientists are 
the Capulets. A journal article on this was published in Comparative and 
Functional Genomics, a link to that is here:

I also gave a keynote at the Intl Semantic Web Conference 2005 on The 
Semantic Web and e-Science, focussing on life sciences. The slides are 

I've been the track chair at ISMB responsible for ontologies and 
databases in 2004 and 2005. In 2007 I am the  chair of ICDE's track on 
Bioinformatics. I am the general PC chair of WWW2006 in May, along with 
Mike Dahlin.



Received on Thursday, 1 December 2005 21:47:28 UTC