Bug triage: heads up

Hi all,

Anton and I did a triage of the bugs currently opened in the GH issue
tracker. For each bug, we decided whether it felt into one of these
- To close (already fixed or not really relevant/no need to track)
- Pri-1: major issue that need to be resolved sooner than later, usually
blockers for implementations
- Pri-2: minor issues that should be looked at at some point
- Pri-3: editorial issues or feature requests, nothing really blocking

This is our result:
#9: To close, was solved
#10: To close, part of the privacy consideration
#13: To close, create another spec
#14: Pri-2
#18: Pri-2, but we have a resolution
#19: To close, seems to have been solved
#20: To close, not an issue
#21: Pri-3
#26: To close, solved
#32: Pri-3, feature request
#35: Pri-1, recent discussions
#40: Pri-3, feature request
#45: no change (Pri-2)
#61: Pri-3, feature request
#67: To close, discovering should be enough + UA implementation (or
#68: To close, unless action items missing
#79: Pri-2, maybe use sandbox?
#80: Pri-2
#86: Pri-2
#91: Pri-1
#92: Pri-2, Mozilla is owning it
#93: Pri-2, names and definitions only
#97: Duplicate of #40
#99: Pri-1
#112: Pri-3, editorial
#148: Pri-3, mostly editorial
#149: Pri-1, missing feature
#150: To close
#152: Pri-1
#153: nothing to change (Pri-1)
#154: Pri-3, editorial

I am going to apply these changes to the bugs tomorrow. If you disagree
with something, feel free to point it now. Otherwise, the bugs can
always be re-opened and their priority changed.

-- Mounir

Received on Tuesday, 18 August 2015 15:14:50 UTC