MeasurementRange is at odds with OperatingRange and SurvivalRange

Dear all,

With respect to item 4 in the SSN agenda tomorrow:

a ssn:System can be linked to:
 - a ssn:OperatingRange through property ssn:hasOperatingRange. A
ssn:OperatingRange can itself be linked:
   - to zero or more ssn:Condition in which this capability is true using
ssn:inCondition ;
   - to zero or more ssn:OperatingProperty through property
ssn:hasOperatingProperty .
 - a ssn:SurvivalRange through property ssn:hasSurvivalRange. A
ssn:SurvivalRange can itself be linked:
   - to zero or more ssn:Condition in which this capability is true using
ssn:inCondition ;
   - to zero or more ssn:SurvivalProperty through property
ssn:hasSurvivalProperty .

Then the hierarchy of operating properties is:

|- ssn:MaintenanceSchedule
|- ssn:OperatingPowerRange

And the hierarchy of survival properties is:

|- ssn:SystemLifetime
|- ssn:BatteryLifetime

So there is a parallel between operating range and survival range, easy to

But it's very different from measurement range:

a ssn:Sensor can be linked to a ssn:MeasurementCapability through property
a ssn:MeasurementCapability can be linked:
 - to zero or more ssn:Property to which it applies through property
ssn:forProperty ;
 - to zero or more ssn:Condition in which this capability is true using
ssn:inCondition ;
 - to zero or more ssn:MeasurementProperty through property
ssn:hasMeasurementProperty .

Then ssn:MeasurementRange is a sub class of ssn:MeasurementProperty.

Hence MeasurementRange, despite "looking similar" to OperatingRange and
SurvivalRange, is very different and must be used differently.

I believe this is brings useless complexity to SSN. Could we simply
deprecate ssn:MeasurementRange ?


Received on Monday, 27 March 2017 16:50:32 UTC