RE: Please review OWL-Time document


Belated Happy New Year. Hope you have avoided the ‘lurgy’ that is laying low most of Britain.

I have now read the 11 Jan Editor’s Draft. Thank you for the re-structuring  the content – it is much clearer to read and easier to find things.

I have some minor editorial comments that could be considered, as I am not sure what editorial processes W3C apply. Not very substantial, but with view to making the doc easier to read:

1.       Classes time:generalDay, time:generalMonth and time:generalYear all have informative notes that more or less replicate the text in the definition. I suggest deleting the notes (and perhaps highlighting the equivalent sentences in the definition, if easily done in the W3C document macros. Unless you have a specific audience that you wanted to address with an important point.

2.       Add to the title of A.2 Properties table “(ordered by domain)”. It was not obvious to me as I thought it alphabetical. Or is it meant to be, like the text?

3.       Start Annex A on a new page.

4.       Typo in definition of RDF Property inXSDDateTime: should be xsd:dateTime, not xsd:DateTime ?

I am not sure that I have anything constructive to say about Issues 125 / 126. When delving down through the definitions of the datetime built-in datatypes in XML Schema, there is all sorts of messes swept under the carpet, especially with Time Zones (basically everything has to be reduced to a canonical form i.e. UTC).  I think I still stand  by my comments about trying to dissuade people from overlaying duration calculations on RFC3339 TimeStamps.

HTH, Chris

From: Ed Parsons []
Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2016 7:54 AM
Subject: Re: Please review OWL-Time document

Thanks both, it's nice to have some alternative Christmas Reading !!

Merry Christmas !!


On Thu, 22 Dec 2016 at 05:38 <<>> wrote:
The Editors draft of the OWL-Time specification can be considered for release as a second public working draft.

A few issues outstanding are prominent in the text – big pink notes.

And this section (carried over from the 2006 draft) has not been properly reviewed:

Also – an annoying HTML/CSS issue – <h4> headings are not formatted consistently, some in blue, some in black, particularly where there is a sequence of them (mostly in chapter 4).
Somewhere along the line my HTML and the CSS are fighting, but I can’t figure out where.

Happy holidays all.

Simon & Chris

Simon J D Cox
Research Scientist
Environmental Informatics
CSIRO Land and Water<>

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Received on Thursday, 12 January 2017 16:53:16 UTC