Re: Agenda+ for this week's plenary: state of play in SSN

Can I just point out that the disagreement is only on a naming issue (whereby as far as I can tell, everyone can live with the names as they are implemented now). Otherwise there has no disagreement been recorded over the last couple of weeks and we are working through the remaining issues swiftly!

On 5/4/17, 10:33 pm, "Phil Archer" <> wrote:

    Given the large amount and content of e-mail seen since last night's SSN 
    meeting, with your permission, I'd like to add an item to the agenda for 
    today's plenary around the state of play with that deliverable. It seems 
    clear to me that there is still significant disagreement within the WG 
    about a number of fundamental issues and that therefore we must come to 
    a decision about its future. This within the broader context of the WG's 
    other deliverables and imminent charter expiry.
    Phil Archer
    Data Strategist, W3C

    +44 (0)7887 767755

Received on Wednesday, 5 April 2017 14:41:28 UTC