Data on the Web BP for review please

Dear all,

As you may have seen, last Thursday the DWBP WG published a new version 
on its BP doc and supporting vocabularies. These are now stable with a 
couple of specific issues in the vocabs and no known issues for the BP 
doc which is expected to transition to Candidate Recommendation next month.

So we're now in the final call for comments ahead of the call for 
implementations which comes next.

The input provided by the individuals in the To line of this mail are 
already acknowledged but if there are further comments, please get them 
to the WG by 12 June. I'm thinking in particular of the alignment with 
SDW BP to make sure that the latter sensibly builds on DWBP.

Please see

Data on the Web Best Practices

Data Quality Vocabulary

Dataset Usage vocabulary




Phil Archer
W3C Data Activity Lead
+44 (0)7887 767755

Received on Wednesday, 25 May 2016 08:26:13 UTC