Re: GitHub standards issues repository


On Dec 7, 2011, at 00:18 , Colin Snover wrote:
> I had a meeting with Paul Irish, Thomas Aylott, and Olmo Maldonado a few
> weeks ago, and one of the decisions during that meeting was to move the
> issues repository at <> to a more
> vendor-neutral location, such as the scriptlib GitHub organisation at
> <>.

I think that's a really good idea.

> Second, there is no public information about who has access to the
> scriptlib-cg GH org right now. Such access would be the easiest way to
> move over the repo. Who has access to this, and, I guess, who *should*
> be granted access to this?

The current people on the owners team are Yehuda, Marcos Càceres, and myself. I hadn't noticed before that one needed to "publicise" one's membership in a team — I have now done so for myself.

There has been no rules so far as to who gets to be on that team. I'm on it because I created the repo, and I added Marcos and Yehuda because they asked and I know and trust them. We should certainly add more, and I'd rather not get too formal about picking people. How about simply suggesting people here and accepting if there's a +1?

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Received on Thursday, 8 December 2011 12:42:06 UTC