Removal of identifierless getters, setters, etc.

At TPAC last year, there was a discussion on Web IDL that resulted in a
resolution to remove special operations (getters, setters, etc.) that
have no identifier:

I don’t see any rationale there, so I wonder if anyone who was there
could explain?

HTML5 currently uses a number of these, specifically:

  DOMStringMap - name getter, setter, creator & deleter
  HTMLDocument - name getter
  Window - name getter, index getter
  TimedTrackCueList - index getter
  CanvasPixelArray - index getter, index setter

Would the idea here be to given all of these an identifier but to
declare them as omittable (so that in JS real method wouldn’t exist on
these objects anyway)?



Cameron McCormack ≝

Received on Tuesday, 12 October 2010 21:24:40 UTC