Re: aliasing elements

On 8/18/06, Al Gilman <> wrote:
> At 5:34 PM -0400 8/17/06, Jim Jewett wrote:
> >>3. Type sharing

> >>Actually, for xml:id I don't see the problem. ... the uniqueness
> >>rules are for "all values of attributes of type ID" and not "all
> >>values of like-named attributes of type ID."

> >They want to rule out

> ><a id="i1" xml:id="i2">

> That sounds like the behavior I would expect of an attribute-alias.

Yes, but it isn't ruled out today, and there doesn't seem to be any
way to do so.

> What behavior do you want to see?

Today, xml:id ==> unique IDs

I (as well as the HTML2 group) would like a convenient way to enforce
"only on id per element"  (The idattrs workaround is better than
nothing.)  From a strict behavioral standpoint, that might be enough.

>From a semantics standpoint, I would like to be able to say "this
attribute really *is* xml:id; defer to that spec for any semantics".
I would like processors of a compound document to recognize their
identity.  For example, it would be fine if xhtml:id or default
namespace id in an xhtml document would get canonicalized as xml:id
when the xml namespace was closer; I just don't want people to be
required to use namespaces for documents that are entirely within a
single spec.


Received on Friday, 18 August 2006 20:10:46 UTC