Rationale behind separate TechArticle / HowTo types?


I often work with structured product documentation and regulatory content:
procedural info, troubleshooting, howtos, and so on. Sometimes, but not
always, it's of a technical nature. I'm working on automated transforms of
this content to relevant Schema.org markup, and I'm a bit confused with the
presence of two seemingly similar types:

   - TechArticle (described as being for How-to topics, step-by-step,
   procedural troubleshooting, specifications, etc.)
   - The actual HowTo type

TechArticle has a couple of properties that would be very helpful in this
kind of content: dependencies (which in my domain would often be called
prerequisites), and the pending "speakable" property. Being a subType of
Article, it should also work well with Google's features around that:

On the other hand, if I need detailed, step-by-step procedures, the HowTo
type looks pretty much essential, with its sections, steps, directions, and
tips (though nothing in the way of examples, I see).

If I have a technical or engineering article that has procedural info,
should I use a multi type entity, to get the properties of both TechArticle
and HowTo? Also, what was the rationale behind creating separate types for
these two? Was it that there might be a technical article that isn't
procedural, or a procedural piece that isn't technical? If this is the
case, I wonder if it would be possible to tweak the description for
TechArticle to make this clearer?

Thanks in advance for any info / tips.


Received on Monday, 18 September 2017 08:43:42 UTC