Re: Schemabibex Group entering a different phase

Hi all,

OK, this new approach makes sense.
Meanwhile I'd like to thank everyone for the good work in the first phase, that was really interesting. With a special thought for Richard for all the hard coordination :-)



On 2/20/14 4:08 PM, Wallis,Richard wrote:
> Hi all,
> Following recent discussions it was concluded in yesterday’s meeting that we are moving into a different phase of the group’s activities.
> We have effectively worked our way through many issues and proposals and now do not have a significant to-do list of proposals to address.
> Whilst still engaging with the rest of the community on current proposals such as Article & CreativeWork Relationships, our main focus should move to creating a Best Practice Guide area on the Wiki and making it look less of a work-in-progress site.  The objective being to make it easier for others to share and be guided by our deliberations and experience. Of course this does not mean that new proposals will not arise for us to work on together.
> It was agreed that the Group, even when this documentation phase has been completed, should remain in existence.  To act as a forum for Schema/Bibliographic discussion and be available on an ad hoc basis to comment and participate in relevant discussions.  For example, if asked for a bibliographic focus by the wider community or commenting on proposals from other groups such as BIBFRAME.
> It was also agreed that it would be beneficial to promote the activities and achievements of the Group to a wider audience, initially this would be based around a journal article which Dan Scott has agreed to look into.  If you have any thoughts on this, please share them on the list.
> It was also agreed that we would move away from a fixed schedule of monthly calls, only arranging them as and when it was felt necessary.
> As we move into this new phase I would like to take this opportunity thank everyone who has contributed so far to putting together and commenting upon proposals.
> ~Richard

Received on Friday, 21 February 2014 19:20:29 UTC