Re: schema-course-extend: credential or award offered through course.

On 20/06/16 12:26, Dan Brickley wrote:
> On 17 June 2016 at 17:32, Steve Midgley <> wrote:
>> I agree that credential has many meanings across industries. I agree we
>> should try to find a term that unambiguously locates this credential as
>> educational. So, being a frequent simpleton, I'll suggest
>> "educationalCredential"
> This is an improvement.
> A friend I was talking to over the weekend suggested using the related
> term "accreditation". How does that sound to this community? To my
> ears it has all the right associations, and is much less evocative of
> lower-level technical notions of credential...
> Dan
OK. As property name I am going to suggest educationalCredentialAwarded 
because we might in the future want EducationalCredential as a class name.

So, my proposal is that in order to meet the use case that people can 
search for courses that offers a qualification the searcher would like 
to acquire we create a new property

educationalCredentialAwarded domain Course, range Text or Thing.
Definition: a description of the qualification, award, certificate, 
diploma or other educational credential awarded as a consequence of 
successful completion of this course.

When the educational credentials/verifiable claims community have sorted 
out how they want to describe their domain in then I hope we 
will have some more specific schema type(s) that we can point to, but 
for now this seems to me to be good enough to solve the use case. 
Solving the bigger issue seems beyond the scope of this community group.


Phil Barker           @philbarker
Heriot-Watt University

   not so much an operating system as a learning opportunity.

Received on Monday, 20 June 2016 13:06:26 UTC