Re: rel="meta" or rel="acl" ? was: Web Access Cntrl Spec?

On 10 August 2013 10:56, Henry Story <> wrote:

> On 10 Aug 2013, at 00:18, Kingsley Idehen <> wrote:
> >> When talking about this with Alexandre Bertails he thought that
> rel="meta" was
> >> not the right relation and that rel="acl" would be more correct.
> >
> > Yes.
> >
> > It will be fixed.
> We need to get those who have implementations to agree on this first. :-)
> And I am not sure what forum is available where we can agree on edits to
> the acl ontolgy or the wiki page,
> so I am sending this mail a bit widely around. The WebAccessControl wiki
> page suggests that the RWW Community Group is the place to discuss this.
> I suppose for the moment the WebAccessControl wiki page plays the role of a
> spec. It says:
> [[
>   The client follows, for example, an HTTP header field:
>   Link: <meta/profile.meta>; rel=meta
> ]]
> Alexandre Bertails once argued that meta is too general, and that this
> should
> be an "acl" link. Neither "acl" nor "meta" are registered in the iana
> document
> which is I think where this needs to be registered.
> See
> For us to register this we should probably have something a bit more
> spec like than the wiki page.
> I also would like to add to the ontology
>  - support for regular expressions on urls
>  - a acl:include relation to include acls from other documents

FYI: some comments from Timbl on #dig

<timbl> I think rel=meta is a better choice
<timbl> because we have running code which picks it up
<timbl> and fragmenting the market does less damage.
<timbl> I can see also an ACL file having other stuff (like ownership,
provenance, licence etc) and my gut feeling is that one flexible bag is
better than trying to defined lots of rigid bags and al algorithm for what
triples go in what.

> Social Web Architect

Received on Saturday, 10 August 2013 20:21:42 UTC